About Sanne

About Sanne Koeman

This is me :-)...

My name is Sanne Koeman and I am the mother of three teenage boys. 

I have been working for many years as a nurse and lactation consultant on the delivery and maternity ward at the OLVG West hospital in Amsterdam. 

After nursing school, I have specialized as a delivery and maternity ward nurse and wanting to grow further, I have finalized my eduction as lactation consultant in 2015 (IBCLC stands for International Board of Certified Lactation Consultatants).

At the hospital, I care and support mothers that stay at the maternity ward, the neonatology and the childrens’ ward. Next to the health care, I also give advice on breastfeeding to expecting mothers. Furthermore, I provide training for doctors, midwifes and nurses at our hospital. With my support, the hospital has received the breastfeeding certificate of the WHO and UNICEF. 

Since 2016, I have also started my own practice as lactation consultant. 

I am passionate about supporting (expectant) mothers, their partners and babies with regard to breastfeeding and whenever issues on this topic arise, we will look together for the best solution for them. 
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